CHIKIRI Taiko Drummers
~The Japanese Taiko Drummers ~
CHIKIRI is formed by founders of The School of TAIKO, full time artists Ringtaro Tateishi and Asako Tateishi and also their son Sohshun Tateishi. "CHIKIRI" means a butterfly joint used in woodworking; it holds two pieces of wood together. Similarly, this group will achieve the goal of joining People, Artists and Cultures together from all over the world through the music , mainly Japanese Taiko Drumming.
Also, for expanding the Japanese Taiko world in high quality at out of Japan, new members are under collection regardless of experience and nationality.
CHIKIRI is selected the Performing group of Touring Arts Roster of 4 Culture.
RINGTARO TATEISHI is the leader of the CHIKIRI. He is world class professional Taiko Drummer, Composer and Arranger who is Artistic Director of The School of TAIKO which providing Japanese Musical programs based in Bellevue / Seattle for sharing and spreading the Japanese Musical Culture and Creative new Arts with high quality mainly on the west coast.
Ringtaro is former member of the ONDEKOZA for 10 years and performed at EPCOT / Walt Disney World for 7 years daily. As the artistic director of ONDEKOZA, he visited over 26 countries and held over 1,000 performances including accomplished “U.S.A. Running Tour”; Over a 3 year period, running 20 -30 miles a day for ran the whole distance of the perimeter of the United States, and performed 356 times at various places around the country, including four concerts at CARNEGIE HALL.
In 2009, he have moved to Seattle which is his most famous city in the USA and founded “ The School of TAIKO” with his partner Asako Tateishi. Also, he is renowned as a workshop leader in North America. As a composer, he has created the numbers for the School of TAIKO, Matsuriza and some of the groups in USA.
立石 鈴太郎は三重県四日市市出身、シアトル在住のプロフェッショナル太鼓奏者・作曲家・アレンジャー。
“ちきり”のリーダーであるとともに、太鼓の学校/ The School of TAIKOの芸術監督として、ワシントン州の
鈴太郎は鬼太鼓座の主要メンバーとして、1989年から1999年の10年間で26カ国にて1,000回以上の公演を行った他、アメリカの外周を毎日20~30マイルのマラソンによって走破しながら、カーネギーホールで4回の演奏を行う“アメリカ ランニングツアー”を完走した記録を持つ。
2009年にランニングツアーで訪れた米国49州の中で、最も気に入ったシアトルへ移り、パートナーの立石あさこと共に“太鼓の学校 / The School of TAIKO ”を立ち上げ、今に至る。上級太鼓指導者として北米最大の太鼓コンファレンスでワークショップリーダーを務めるほか、北米の主要な太鼓グループへのワークショップの依頼も多い。 また、作曲家としては、太鼓の学校で使用するすべての曲の作曲、振り付け、アレンジの他、米国内のグループへの楽曲提供も行っている。代表曲として、
Asako Tateishi is a full-time Taiko, Japanese Flute (Shinobue) and Tsugaru Shamisen artist of the CHIKIRI. She is running everything of organization as co-founder/president/creative director of Japan Creative Arts and executive director/head instructor of The School of TAIKO.
In addition, since 2014 she has been producing the Bellevue World Taiko Festival, which shares high-quality Japanese/Asian performing arts with guest artists.
Through all of her activities, she promotes and enriches the healthy lives of her community by promoting mutual understanding across borders and supporting the creation of lifelong learning opportunities.
Asako performed at Walt Disney World / EPCOT in Florida and performed several Japanese Festivals around the USA like, International Taiko Festival (San Francisco), Stone Mountain Festival (Atlanta), Hatsume Festival (Miami) and more as a member of MATSURIZA. Also performs on stage with Kaoru Okumura, who is active as a Butoh dancer based in Seattle. In 2019, Asako started learning "Hana Hachijo" from Chieko Kojima , an honorary member of the Kodo.
Leveraging her background as a live broadcast and pit reporter of motorcycle racing at Suzuka Circuit, Twin Ring Motegi and as a MC of fan events at major circuits in Japan, as well as planning, managing and MC of wedding ceremonies and various events, she is support the events totally, not limited to providing Taiko performances. It is her pleasure to makes efforts to spread the appeal of Taiko and Japanese musical instruments abroad by making proposals for effective Taiko Drumming production at any scenes.
2009年に立ち上げたジャパン・クリエイティブアーツの代表であり、太鼓の学校/ The School of TAIKOのディレクターとインストラクターとして活動しているほか、2014年からベルビュー・ワールド太鼓フェスティバルをプロデュース。ベルビュー・シアトルをベースとして主に米国の北西地域に音楽プログラムを提供している。
”ちきり”のメンバーとして、主に弦楽器、篠笛を担当。2002年より”祭座”のメンバーとして、ウォルトディズニー ワールドのEPCOTを始め、アメリカ各地でのジャパン・フェスティバルやコンサートにて演奏しており、2018年春にNYを拠点とする”太鼓座”の舞台にも参加。シアトルを中心に舞踏家として活動する奥村薫氏のステージでの演奏も行う。2019年、鼓童の名誉会員である小島千絵子氏より花八丈を学び始める。
SOHSHUN TATEISHI is a percussion player , both of Japanese (Taiko) and western (Snare) style and rhythm. He has been a snare drummer in the Husky Marching Band drumline since his time at the University of Washington, and will be the center snare in the 2023-2024 season.
He performs in the Bellevue World TAIKO Festivals and various cultural events as a member of "CHIKIRI". With snare drum, he performs in WGI: Eruption Indoor Percussion, Emerald City Boom, School Marching band and Drum line. Also, he challenged the DCI audition at the age of 15 and joined the world class Seattle Cascades Drum and Bugle Corps as a pit player and completed the national tour in the US. Furthermore, he appeared "Snowflake Lane" which is most popular winter event in Seattle area from 14 years old.
He was co-founder of the drum-line "Scarlet Knights Percussion" of his high school and won the top prize in the snare line and baseline division, 1st overall at Drumline festival of Bellevue one year after founded, November 2018. In 2019 season, SKP won first prize at Lincoln Drumline Festival, Glacier Peak Drumline Festival with extraordinarily Snare line, Bass line and Tenor line, Champion of 2019 Battle in the Valley and Champion of BDX2019.
In addition, he supports the operation of JCA through interpretation and translation, and also composes for BGM of Promotion Video